Station House Opera: Dominoes (2016)

1 of 2 images in the exhibition

Working with 200 local participants (in bespoke t-shirts!) Station House Opera built a 2 kilometre line of upended ceramic blocks from The Point (above) through the heart of the centre of Milton Keynes which were then, well you know how dominoes work, to a cheering crowd along the whole route.

Passing though landmarks, along streets, through peopleโ€™s homes (see image #2) and punctuated by tall, collapsing block structures, it took around 25 minutes for the whole line to collapse. Luckily no one โ€˜intervenedโ€™ and it all ran smoothly, culminating in a large structure collapse at Margaret Powell Square.

Once over, many collected whole or broken slabs as โ€˜souvenirsโ€™. As you do.