The Lone Twin Boat Project (2012)
Building a beautiful 30ft boat from wooden artefacts donated by the public and sailing it around the coast of the UK, as part of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad. Fair enough.
Getting it to berth in Milton Keynes, possibly one of the statistically furthest points from the sea and commissioning a unique series of accompanying songs and music by Adrian McNally and The Unthanks. Thatโs IF!
This is the third of three images from this project in the exhibition. This image shows how people were drawn and engaged with the boat and the project. Whether that was a resonance with a certain componentโs story or just the sheer beauty of the craftsmanship or materials. I like this one as it highlights musical instrument components as a nod to the heritage of The Stables.
I always seek natural and un-staged personal moments and reactions to all that IF undertakes, regardless of age, gender or any other (mis)defining categorisation.
Image #1 - craning Collective Spirit into the Centre:MK shopping centre (link)
Image #2 - the boat Collective Spirit in close up, in situ in Queens Court (link)
Image #3 - this one
What these images donโt show and what I was able to capture with full access to inside the boat, rather than the public viewing platforms, was how the inside was just as fantastic, creative and whimsical as the outside, if not as lacquered to a high sheen for sea-going use.